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{item.quantity} gallons at {item.price | money Currency.currentCurrency } per gallon

Heating oil truck delivering the cheapest heating oil in Long Island

Heating oil delivery made easy.

Delivering warmth to Long Island for as low as $3.22 per gallon.

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Keeping your home warm should be easy.

We get it—heating oil is the last thing on your mind. Until the weather starts to cool, you'd rather pretend your burner didn't even exist. And you know what? We're ok with that. Leave that to us. We'll make sure your heating oil tank is full of oil and your boiler in excellent condition when you need it most.

Woman whose Long Island home is warm because she ordered heating oil from Banner Fuel

Worry-free service thanks to decades of experience.

We've been delivering home heating oil to Long Island for a long time. Thanks to those decades of experience, we've encountered almost every obstacle out there. It's not bragging to say we've got this down to a science.

Heating Oil Delivery
Heating oil burner repair specialist fixing an oil furnace

You can trust us with more than heating oil delivery.

Our simple order process and reliable delivery are only half of the story. To guarantee your warmth, we offer oil burner maintenance and tune-ups. Schedule your burner maintenance once and you'll never have to think of your burner again.

Burner Maintenance

Don’t miss today’s lowest price at $3.22 per gallon.

We can't stop talking about how simple we make home heating oil delivery. But we also boast the lowest prices in Long Island. Take advantage of our rock-bottom pricing while keeping your home toasty warm.

Call us at (516) 739-2323 to get the best local price.

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Save money on your heating oil bill!

On top of our already rock-bottom prices, we occasionally offer discounts or coupons. If you like great deals you're going to love this.

Man who is saving money by ordering heating oil from the cheapest supplier in Long Island

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